PRESENT Cllrs T Abbey (Chairman), P Barnitt, P Johnston, J Mannion, J Mortimer, C York. In attendance District Cllr T Myatt.
APOLOGIES were received from Cllrs Mrs H Lamborn, R Burniston P.C. T Craven.
DECLARATIONS UNDER THE CODE OF CONDUCT. Cllr York declared his interest in Agenda item 7 – commuted sums relating to Angram Pond.
POLICE MATTERS – Crime report – there were no reported incidents during May/June.
MINUTES of the meeting held on the 17th May. having been circulated, were signed on a proposition Cllr Mortimer seconded Cllr Mannion.
MATTERS ARISING – HIGHWAYS DEFECTS. It was reported that the potholes along Hutton Street have been repaired. Details of NYCC Area 6 Highways Capital Programme for 2017/18 received. The following work is built into this. Angram Road, Long Marston, Speng Lane, Hutton Wandesley. Dam Bridge to District boundary, Angram. Seakel Lane, Angram. TRANSPARENCY CODE Quotations for a website are being sought. HBC LOCAL PLAN Cllr Myatt advised that consultations on sites will commence 22nd September. Further information will be available. NYCC LOCALAITY BUDGET A defibrillator has b een fitted next to the library door at the school and one will be fitted at Sycamore Barns, Angram within the next day or so. A familiarisation session with YAS at a cost of £200 will take place in the schooll. Date to be c onfirmed. The defibrillators to be checked weekly, the Clerk to be responsible for the one at school and Cllr Lamborn to be asked to look after the one at Angram. The defibrillators are covered by Parish Council Public Liability Insurance and also All Risks. A risk assessment has to be in place and Cllr Lamborn offered to do this for Angram. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER. Nothing to report. To carry forward to the next meeting.
HBC STANDARDS TRAINING FOR PARISH COUNCILLORS ON 6th JULY. The Parish was not represented but copies of the discussion document obtained by the clerk has been circulated. It was agreed to adopt the HBC Code of Conduct as previously.
1. A schedule of commuted sums due to the Parish as at May 2016 received and circulated. Under amenity green space and green corridor there is £394.48 allocated to Angram Pond. Hutton Wandesley Estates, who are responsible for the pond, have asked HBC if the money can be used to clear up the surrounds, using their own men and machinery. All Cllrs present agreed that the Parish Council give an assurancve to HBC that it supports this request.
2. Parish Consultation Meetings. Details of the review of arrangements and terms of reference circulated.
3. Electoral Review of Harrogate Draft recommendations propose 40 Borough Cllrs should be elected to HBC in future. The recoimmendations also propose new pattern of wards across the boundary. Marston Moor Ward will have one District Cllr and incorporate an additional three or four other villages.
4. Green Garden Waste. Letter from HBC advising that changes are being made to the green garden waste service, giving an update on progress. Parishes will be kept informed as matters become clearer.
5. City of York Local Plan Preferred Sites Consultation. Closing date 5.00.p.m. on 12th September.
DISTRICT COUNCIL MATTERS. Cllr Myatt advised that to speed up the planning process there will be more discussion by officers, controvetrsial applications going to Committee but Parish Councils will be comnsulted. On the 28th July there will be a question and answer session “Ask the Cabinet” which is open to all.
1. 16/01989/FUL application for alteration to raise roof height, Cherry Tree House, Tockwith Road. As there were no neighbour or Parish Council objections the clerk had been instructed to return this without comment.
2. 16/02455/FULMAJ for construction of landscaping bund and attenuation drainage lagoon in relation of Condition 11 of Planning Permission 14/04775/FULMAJ, Entourage PLC York House, Wetherby Road. After discussion, all Cllrs present agreed to instruct the clerk to respond as follows:- 1. The bund and tree line will have an adverse effect on the visibility of road users. 2. Has consideration been given to moving the bund and pond to the north west of the site ? 3. Parish Council has concerns about the site lines and members have some sympathy with the neighbouring residents and their loss of amenity.
1. Planning Permission and L.B.C. granted for the erection of a garden shed at Long Marston Hall.
2 Permission granted for the erection of two storey extension at Fox & Houns House.
An Appeal under S.195/26K has been lodged in respect of HBC refusal to grant a certificate of lawful use. Marston Wyse Farm.
The following expenditure was approved by all present:- Clerk’s salary and income tax (cheque 280 & 281 £625) Welmedical (cheque 283 £3072 defibrillators), leaving a credit balance in the account of £2783.02. NOTE:- Cheque no 279 £50 Tockwith & District Show cancelled and replaced by cheque 282 £50 Tockwith & District Show.
Overgrown hedges. The clerk confirmed that the school hedge and the hedge to the front of the electricity sub-station site at the crossroads will be cut back.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30p.m.
B Plimmer
Clerk/R.F.O. to Long Marston Parish Council