The Annual Parish Meetings followed by an Ordinary Meeting were held in Long Marston School on Tuesday 17th May 2016.
Annual Meetings: Reports were received from the Chairman, Clerk/Treasurer and P.C. Representative to the Village Hall Committee. The Accounts for 2015/16 financial year were accepted and adopted.. P.C. Assets were checked on the 1st May and the register up-dated. Risk Assessments including Financial Risk had been prepared and checked prior to being accepted by the Council. Members of the public were invited to raise matters and also ask questions.
Ordinary Meeting: As this was the first meeting of the new term, Declarations of Acceptance of Office of a Councillor, Register of Financial and other Interests were completed, signed and returned to the Clerk. There were no Declarations under the Code of Conduct.
Two new members, John Mannion and Chrksty York were welcomed onto the Parish Council. The Chairman also welcomed Tim Myatt, District Cllr for the Marston Moor Ward.
Matters Arising; Flooding & potholes. Some measure of success has been achieved but there are still areas to be addressed. Marston Moor Lay-by.
NYCC have no plans to widen this. NYCC Locality Budget. A grant of £3090 to purchase two community access defibrillators was received in April. The matter to proceed. Community First Responder Scheme. Seven people from the Parish have expressed an interest. YAS to organise training. Dog Fouling. Complaints passed to HBC. Dog Wardens to target the areas concerned through both highly visible and under cover patrols.
Correspondence: HBC small grants scheme is open to all organisations within the community sector. Details to be circulated within the parish. Closing date for applications 15th July 2016. All Saints Churchyard. A copy of a recent report commissioned by the Church Wardens had been received with a request that views on the contents of the report be sent to the Church Wardens prior to the Church meeting on 23rd June.
Planning: Three applications had been received from HBC for comments, and Parish Council was also advised of decisions on four outstanding applications.
Finance: On behalf of the Council the Chairman was authorised to sign the Statement of Assurances which forms part of the year-end accounts.
Current Financial Position:
Payments received since the 31st March
1st half of the precept – £2200.00
Refund of vat – 555.34
Grant for defibrillators – 3090.00
Payments made since 31st March
Insurance – 378.64 cheque 277
Printer/scanner – 159.96 – 278
Donation Tockwith & District Show – 50.00 – 279
The credit balance stands at £3390.02 plus £3090 for the defibrillators.
Dates of Meetings for 2016/17: All meetings are held on Tuesdays in Long Marston School commencing at 7.45.p.m – 19th July, 13th September, 8th November. 2017 – 10th January, 14th March, 9th May (Annual Meetings).
B Plimmer
Clerk/RFO to Long Marston Parish Council.
Accounts for 2015/16 financial year.
INCOME: Precept £3821.
Grant from Central Gov. £179 – £4000.00
Grants/donations towards remedial work on Battle of Marston Moor Monument site. 1988.00 – £5988.00
EXPENDITURE: Clerk’s salary/expenses: 2586.92
McDaid Construction – Battlefield site 3288.00
L.M.Village Hall. donation towards mainteance of playarea equipment 500.00
Other expenditure including insurance 608.65 – £6983.57
Brought forward 1st April 2015 – 2218.87
Total income – 5988.00
Total expenditure – 6983.57
Balance caried forward 31st March 2016 – £1223.30
B. Plimmer
Clerk/RFO to Long Marston Parish Council