Tuesday 13th September 2016 Parish Council Meeting Minutes

PRESENT:  Councillors T Abey (Chairman) P Barnitt, P Johnston, J Mannion, J Mortimer, Mrs H Lamborn.  In attendance District Councillor T Myatt.
APOLOGIES were receved from Councillor C York
DECLARATIONS  There were no Declarations of interests under the Code of Conduct.
Police Matters.   Crime report – there were no reported incidents of crime within the Parish during July/August 2016.

MINUTES of the meeting held on the 19th July, having been circulated, were approved and signed.
MATTERS ARISING –  Highways matters – road traffic signs. including speed restriction signs obscured by vegetation to be reported to NY Highways for attention.  Highways to be asked when repaired to part of Angram Road will be undertaken.  Transparency Code – It was agreed to comply with regulations using the community website until a decision is reached regarding a separate website.  NYCC Locality Budget.   Defibrillatiors now available for community use.  The ckerk to complete a risk assessment in respect of the one .located at the schgool.  A familiarisation session for all residents will be held on the 11th October.  The clerk to organie publicity.  A fee of £200 will be payable to YAS who will lead the session.  V illage Newsletter –  Councillor Johnston to raise this at the forthcoming Church open meeting, reporting back to our next meeting.  Commuted sums.  The amount due tio Butt Hedge in 2015 was £884.80 and £307.80 as at May 2016.  HBC confirm that the difference in the amounts was spent on some landscaping in the area of Butt Hedge.   Concerns about the speed of vehicles leaving the village hall and danger to children playing in Butt Hedge had been raised with District Councillor Myatt,  It was agreed to ask HBC if commuted sums allocated to Butt Hedge could be used to provide a speed notice for people leaving the village hall.   Parish Consultation Meeting.  Parish Councils are invited to send up to two representatives to the meeting on Monday 24th October 2016 at 6.p.m. Knaesborough House, Knaresborough.  The meeting will conclude with a question and answer session on items of general interst.  Items for the agenda to be submitted to HBC by the 7th Octiober..

CORRESPONDENCE.  HBC 2017/18 Budget Consultation.  Residents,businesses and parish councils are invited to be involved and have their say.   The consultation closes on 17th October 2016.   The questionnaire can be found via link – B udget-2017/18consultation,  Harrogate District Strategic housing and economic land availability asessment.  The consultation, both on the above and the Local Plan will commence mid to late October for a period of six weeks..  Tockwith and District Agricultural Show.  A letter of thanks for Parish Council donation has been received.  York Disabled Works Co-operative.  This registered charity is asking for financial support and also for Parish Council to buy their street furniture.  No action to be taken.   Community-led housing.  A Rural Action Yorkshire project to look at the potential for community-led housing in North and East Yorkshire.  The aim of the survey is to seek the views of Parish and Town Councils in supporting or providing a scheme.  Responses by 31st October.

DISTRICT COUNCILLLOR’S REPORT  Councillor Myatt commented on the following  :-  HBC proposal to build new council offices,.  HBC events strategy to bring large events to Harrogate.  The last collection of the season for green garden  waste for our Parish will be 5th December.  The new season will start on the 20th March when payment for collection will be introduced.   HBC are looking towards developing small sites including the Angram garage site which is owned by the local authority.

PLANNING.  Advised that the appeal aginst HBC’s refusal to grant permission for two dwellings at Marston Wyse Farm, Wethberby Road, Long Marston had been dismissed.

FINANCE.  Members approved the following items of expenditure :-  Tom Willoughby £486 (cheque 284) fitting defibrillator at Marston School.  Return of unspent grant to NYCC £125 (cheque 285)  Clerk’s salary and income tax £625 (cheques 286/7)  The credit balanbce stands at £1522.02. Vat to be reclained from HMRC £625.

OTHER MATTRS.     HBC spring flowering bulbs scheme.  Bulbs will be available for ollection from mid October.
The clerk to ask for the gulleys to be cleaned at the end of September early October.

There being no further business, the meeting clsoed at 8.55.p.m.

B Plimmer  Clerk/R.F.O